Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dietition Appointment

On Monday April 19th, I had my dietition appointment. I learned some very useful tips and learned that I had created a pretty good plan on my own. Kara was able to improve my plan to make it even better.

For breakfast she suggested I eat an whole egg with added egg white for a protien boost. With that a whole wheat bread source equal to about 100 calories and a piece of fruit. To drink: coffee withskim milk.

For snacking throughout the day I eat a mixutre of tree nuts, raisens, and pepitas seeds (combined a half a cup)

For lunch I am going to eat veggie subway sandwiches. We decided the deli meat was just too unhealthy for sodium reasons. I will be allowed cheese. With this I will eat a yogurt and drink water. On the days I don't eat Subway, I will eat what I call the big salad with a nice variety of lettuce mix, veggies, and fruits topped with grilled chicken mixed with a homemade dressing of seasoned vinegar, olive oil, and crushed garlic. For variety I will also makehealthy soups ahead of time.

For dinner, a lean protien source: beef 1/week, fish 2/week, pork 1/week, poultry 3/wk. for sides small potatoe, small portion of whole grain rice or pasta. Veggies covering half the plate prepared by steaming, roasting, or grilling.

If I feel hungry later in the evening I will eat 1 cup whole grain cereal and 1/2 cup skim milk.

In total I am to try to stay around 1400 calories, not to exceed 16oo calories and excersise 6 days a week with cardio, and alternating every other day with strength training. I am to try to intake 90 g of protien every day. This should equal a fat weight loss of 1-3 pounds/week. Slow and steady, I guess. After losing 40 pounds, I am going to start my next goal of 20 pounds.

This is a plan I can stick with. It is delicious and whole foods. Nothing will be processed. I am looking forward to feeling better every day.

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